Welcome to Struggle Well

Struggle Is A Terrible Thing To Waste

About Struggle Well

The Struggle Well app is a place for all Struggle Well alumni to connect with each other in a safe and trusted environment made up only of other individuals walking a similar path. It is here you will find encouragement, inspiration, accountability and connection to others who are also on the path to turning their struggle into strength.

In addition, you will find continuing education delivered by Struggle Well Instructors from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Over the course of 13 weeks, you will have the opportunity to engage in this structured curriculum here on the app. This education is designed to help you build on the practices you were introduced to in your training and assist in integrating these techniques into your daily life. 

Thank You

Thank you to all of our generous donors and the departments and organizations that are supporting Struggle Well across the country. Without the support and dedication of these organizations none of this would be possible.